More About ThetaHealing
Theta healing helps us find, recognize, communicate and most importantly understand and trust our own inner voice.
The belief system behind ThetaHealing starts with the postulate that by changing yourself you are in effect also changing the world outside of you.
As Gandi said, “be the change you hope to see in this world.” ThetaHealing is a means to this end.
A ThetaHealing session starts with the understanding that there is a need for change and identifying what outcome one hopes to achieve.
The possibilities for change, reside in all areas of life, from addressing and curing illness to creating better relationships and more abundance in our personal lives. One would be hard pressed to find someone who would not like to change something about themselves or their conditions.
Understanding the roots of what prevents us from achieving our goals, is the tool that ThetaHealing uses to remove these blocks.
The practice and applications of ThetaHealing are endless, but the pragmatic logical approach to identifying and treating any given situation applies to all conditions in life, be it illness or achieving a specific goal.
In uncovering the roots of a specific belief system and recognizing the importance it plays in the manifestations that occur in anyone’s life, we recognize that every human being is subject to a certain degree of conditioned behavior. In addition to our own beliefs, ThetaHealing also postulates, that we pick up and intergrade impressions from the group consciousness of our peers, the media, our family histories and every element of the society we live in.
To identify and understand how these beliefs influence our lives is a crucial part of the ThetaHealing process. Simply stated, the root of all behavior is the belief systems behind them, essentially enabling us to enforce our truths on the world through manifestations in our own lives.
This is a potentially terrifying prospect. Accountability for one's actions is usually not a popular theme in today’s media, or any aspect of daily life. What one would think should seemingly be second nature to all humans is simply not. The blur between truth and untruths, PR and reality are increasingly more and more skewed, causing much philosophical distress and confusion.
In such a world of confusion and disorder, imagine the comfort of trusting your own “inner voice” or intuition unconditionally. Imagine, knowing that it will lead you to the highest and best, not just for you, but also for everything and everyone around you.
We learn in ThetaHealing, that what is the highest and best for us, is also the best for others. And in the intention to create and be part of something of beauty and value for the greater good, we are in fact creating the environment for that very thing to exist.
The poetic and simple beauty behind ThetaHealing is the understanding and recognition that our thoughts create the world we live in. Believe fear and there will be much to fear. Believe compassion and suddenly you will see life and all that happens to you and others in a new light.
Most beautifully, believe in unconditional love, send it to yourself and all those around you and see what kind of response the world sends you.
Like they say… the proof is in the pudding.
Why study ThetaHealing? Because everything that is worthwhile in life usually requires mastery, there is study and learning involved. Having learned and experienced the value first hand, it follows that we want to share that knowledge.
Without dogma, prejudice, judgment or the need to align ourselves to any system of belief other than recognizing the good in ourselves and a higher power that does not need to be affiliated to any system of belief.
ThetaHealing is a beautiful toolbox full of lessons, and access to a deep understanding of how to connect with the best in our selves.
What a beautiful and profound gift!
The belief system behind ThetaHealing starts with the postulate that by changing yourself you are in effect also changing the world outside of you.
As Gandi said, “be the change you hope to see in this world.” ThetaHealing is a means to this end.
A ThetaHealing session starts with the understanding that there is a need for change and identifying what outcome one hopes to achieve.
The possibilities for change, reside in all areas of life, from addressing and curing illness to creating better relationships and more abundance in our personal lives. One would be hard pressed to find someone who would not like to change something about themselves or their conditions.
Understanding the roots of what prevents us from achieving our goals, is the tool that ThetaHealing uses to remove these blocks.
The practice and applications of ThetaHealing are endless, but the pragmatic logical approach to identifying and treating any given situation applies to all conditions in life, be it illness or achieving a specific goal.
In uncovering the roots of a specific belief system and recognizing the importance it plays in the manifestations that occur in anyone’s life, we recognize that every human being is subject to a certain degree of conditioned behavior. In addition to our own beliefs, ThetaHealing also postulates, that we pick up and intergrade impressions from the group consciousness of our peers, the media, our family histories and every element of the society we live in.
To identify and understand how these beliefs influence our lives is a crucial part of the ThetaHealing process. Simply stated, the root of all behavior is the belief systems behind them, essentially enabling us to enforce our truths on the world through manifestations in our own lives.
This is a potentially terrifying prospect. Accountability for one's actions is usually not a popular theme in today’s media, or any aspect of daily life. What one would think should seemingly be second nature to all humans is simply not. The blur between truth and untruths, PR and reality are increasingly more and more skewed, causing much philosophical distress and confusion.
In such a world of confusion and disorder, imagine the comfort of trusting your own “inner voice” or intuition unconditionally. Imagine, knowing that it will lead you to the highest and best, not just for you, but also for everything and everyone around you.
We learn in ThetaHealing, that what is the highest and best for us, is also the best for others. And in the intention to create and be part of something of beauty and value for the greater good, we are in fact creating the environment for that very thing to exist.
The poetic and simple beauty behind ThetaHealing is the understanding and recognition that our thoughts create the world we live in. Believe fear and there will be much to fear. Believe compassion and suddenly you will see life and all that happens to you and others in a new light.
Most beautifully, believe in unconditional love, send it to yourself and all those around you and see what kind of response the world sends you.
Like they say… the proof is in the pudding.
Why study ThetaHealing? Because everything that is worthwhile in life usually requires mastery, there is study and learning involved. Having learned and experienced the value first hand, it follows that we want to share that knowledge.
Without dogma, prejudice, judgment or the need to align ourselves to any system of belief other than recognizing the good in ourselves and a higher power that does not need to be affiliated to any system of belief.
ThetaHealing is a beautiful toolbox full of lessons, and access to a deep understanding of how to connect with the best in our selves.
What a beautiful and profound gift!